Backup And Saving


Spending the time to organise your projects and files at the beginning will save you time in the long run. Label and organise your footage, create a structure that you can use again for future edits. Here's a popular way to structure your main folders (you can create subfolders within these):
- Footage
- Project Files
- Graphics
- Audio
- Images

You never know what could happen to your footage, your laptop or your external hard drive. Try to get into the habit of backing up and saving all your files.

Some editors will have multiple backup copies of active projects: Master, Backup and Off-Site Backup. Make sure you store each copy, on a different device, for example, one on your laptop, another on your external hard drive and the other on a server system. If one or two fails, at least you have a copy safe and separate to use.
To close a project, and return to the Project Browser, click the Exit button at the top left of the Project window.
Remember, a project does not need saving, all changes have already been saved automatically.

Resources and Support


If you experience an issue with your Lightworks installation, or something isn't working as expected, visit our FAQ page. If you do not find an answer to your question, you can refer to the Lightworks forum.

The Status window provides useful information for troubleshooting issues with Lightworks. You may be asked to open this when contacting the forums.